Saturday, August 28, 2010

Professional Blog Reflective Synopsis

“The Internet? We are not interested in it.”
– Bill Gates, 1993
"640K ought to be enough for anybody".
Bill Gates

Technology is growing at a phenomenal pace and even those people who helped it on its journey had no idea where it would lead. One thing is for certain, it will not be backwards.
Today's students K-12 represent the first generations to grow up with technology. They have spent their entire lives surrounded by and using computers, video games, digital music players, video cameras, cell phones, and all the other toys and tools of the digital age.

While many may see ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) as just another burden to add to an already full teachers agenda, ICT's are more so a tool. However, they are a valuable tool that, when used in conjunction with good pedagogical practices, expose a world of excitement and knowledge for students. It is important to note that as discussed in the blog "Teachers and ICT" that it should not be simply "thrust" upon teachers without discussion and training. The best approach to using technology in the curriculum is to remember that it should firmly start and end with the curriculum.

ICT can be classed as "software" (programs, blogs, Internet, podcasts) and "hardware" (digital cameras, digital voice recorders, educational toys, wii ). While nine ICT or "digital tools" have been mentioned in the previous blogs (another ICT tool) five have been discussed in depth.
These are "blogging", "digital voice recorder", "digital camera", "powerpoint" and "podcast".
Each ICT tool can be used in conjunction with the others, and the students benefit by way of catering to the many learning requirements of the individual students, including Howard Gardners "aural and visual intelligences".
Three of the five 'blogs','digital voice recorder', and 'digital camera' (with a little assistance) can be used by even the most youngest of students. With aid and add-on programs such as an interactive white board the other two 'powerpoint' and 'blogging' can be achieved even by prep students. All five have been chosen due to the ease at which they can be used by all (including the teachers) and the limitless possibilities for fantastic pedagogically based learning experiences.

In order to best identify which tools and how these can be a benefit the "Dimensions of Learning framework" with its inclusion of Art Costas "Habits of mind" has been used as a determination.

While it is possible for educators to educate without ICT the lessons would no doubt be lesser for it. ICT's are the way of the future and with them the future looks exciting and very educational.

Prensky, M (2001). Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants.On the Horizon (MCB University Press, Vol. 9 No. 5.

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