Friday, August 27, 2010

Digital tool: Microsoft Powerpoint

While at first "powerpoints" may bring up memories of dull, repetitive slides (alot like the old holiday slides some of us were subjected to), "powerpoint" is a far more exciting and interesting tool.
In conjunction with a interactive whiteboard it can even be used by young children.

While the Microsoft Powerpoint is required to make a powerpoint, Microsoft allows anyone to download the viewer for free. Unless a person owns a "mac" system it is more than likely that their computer, whether a PC or a laptop will have a version of powerpoint. Powerpoint can be used with images, sound and video. The slides can be altered in a thousand ways to make them more interesting and they can be linked to Internet sites. The one unfortunate problem with powerpoint is that it can be difficult to "upload" the program onto the Internet.
For the older students or their teachers there are various web sites that can clearly help them understand how to best use the program. One such site is:

For the younger students, powerpoint has the added benefit of being able to be "altered" to allow only certain tools to be accessed, which allows a teacher to ensure that the students are concentrating only on what they should be.

The powerpoint below is an example of a combination of the powerpoint program, photos using a digital camera, sounds recorder via a digital voice recorder, and music downloaded via the Internet from Itunes.

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