Saturday, August 28, 2010

Digital tool:Podcasts

Podcasts are a great tool for individual learning, particularly with students who have difficulty focusing. Many of us have seen a person wearing headphones and being engrossed in what they are listening to. For young children, who are easily distracted it is an easy way to keep their mind focused on a task.

There are many benefits of a podcast for both young and older students and they include:

* Less distractions from sounds in and outside the classroom

* The ability to pause and replay an important piece of information

* It allows students to close their eyes and totally focus on the podcast itself.

* It allows students to listen to important podcasts outside school hours.

* Podcasts are a great tool for aural learners.

* Young students can gain information without having to be able to read proficiently.

However the podcast must be engaging and not in a dull or monotonous voice or the student is likely to fall asleep!

There are a large variety of podcasts available from stories (for the younger students), to scientific information, to thoughts and ideas of individuals, to even gardening tips!

The wonderful thing about podcasts is that they are more often than not free.

Apples Itunes has a fantastic selection of podcasts including storybooks for younger students.

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